Case Studies

Bbot leverages Brizo’s market intelligence to optimize campaigns and enhance results

To bring their revenue-driving order and payment platform to more restaurants, Bbot needs a dependable data source focused on the foodservice industry. Brizo offers more than just data: it has opened the door to highly strategic campaigns and competitor analysis.


Bbot primarily engages with restaurants using a blend of email marketing and outbound calling. In the past, they had trouble building clean, current prospect lists. The data providers they worked with were unreliable; not specific enough to the hospitality industry; or didn’t play well with Bbot’s CRM. These factors made it more difficult and time-consuming to generate high-quality leads.


Through their partnership with Brizo FoodMetrics, Bbot has tapped into a vast reservoir of market intelligence tailored to the foodservice sector. Their sales strategy is now guided by the in-depth, up-to-date data and insights unlocked through Brizo. According to the Bbot team, these actionable insights “fit us, and who we target as a customer, perfectly.”


Bbot’s outreach campaigns span the entire foodservice industry, from enterprise accounts and large chains to small independents. Using Brizo’s granular search filters and easy-to-use visualization tools, Bbot can quickly refine search criteria and analyze each segment.

Brizo’s robust market intelligence platform has enabled Bbot to:

  • Use precise, accurate establishment filters to refine prospect lists and create highly-targeted campaigns
  • Measure current market activity through establishment review and ratings data
  • Conduct competitive analysis by visualizing market penetration of similar payment solutions

Leveraging Brizo’s targeted insights, Bbot is now enjoying the sweet success of:

  • Improved conversion rates with refined lead targeting and rigorous data-driven prequalification
  • Enhanced team productivity, reducing prospecting effort and accelerating the sales cycle
  • Efficient and effective market segmentation, enabling pinpoint accuracy in targeting

Ready for a taste of Brizo’s fresh insights?

Our market intelligence platform has everything you need to dive into foodservice industry insights and start making data-driven decisions.

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