
A powerful market intelligence platform for faster, more accurate decision-making

Brizo FoodMetrics serves up unmatched foodservice insights, including detailed data on menu specifics and tech stack usage, enabling better prospecting, deeper market analysis, and more informed decision-making.

The ingredients that power our intelligence

  • 2.1M+

    foodservice establishments

  • 2.5B+

    menu items observed

  • 1.1K+

    technology stack details

  • 125+

    cuisine types

  • 40+

    marketplaces & review sites

  • 60+

    ambiance & amenities

  • Explore

    Navigate the market landscape with interactive maps and detailed establishment profiles

  • Filter

    Segment and prioritize establishments using hundreds of granular filters, from location to in-use technologies

  • Search

    Look up chains and establishments by name, or conduct a keyword search for specific menu terms and see instant results

  • Learn

    View granular business attributes like cuisine type and ingredients, then discover your ideal prospects with Brizo’s proprietary establishment health scores

  • Visualize

    Summarize and interpret industry insights with dynamic charts and customizable dashboards

  • Export

    Download your search results as a customizable spreadsheet to work from or upload into your CRM

How will you leverage Brizo’s market intelligence?

The options are unlimited, but here are some ideas to get you started…

  • Restaurant Tech
    Discover ideal prospects by their current technology usage (or lack thereof) Learn more
  • F&B Manufacturers
    Conduct market research & identify strategic opportunities for targeted marketing Learn more
  • F&B Distributors
    Segment & prioritize prospects by location, cuisine, price range, menu & ingredients Learn more
  • Chains & Franchisors
    Analyze your locations, monitor competitors, compare against independents & conduct gap analysis Learn more

Where do our insights come from?

Generic lead generation tools and consumer surveys only offer a fleeting glimpse into the market. At Brizo FoodMetrics, we combine the power of data science, artificial intelligence, and big data analytics to bring you fresh, accurate insights.

  • Collect
    We continuously monitor 500K+ industry sources to capture the online footprint of the foodservice market, including business profile pages, corporate websites, delivery marketplace menus, and review sites
  • Digest
    We cleanse, organize and aggregate the raw data to transform it into 2.1M+ comprehensive foodservice establishment profiles
  • Optimize
    We translate our data into actionable insights via a user-friendly market intelligence platform, complete with filters and visualization tools easily leveraged by any-sized business
  • Track
    We update our database on a weekly basis and provide the ability to conduct historical data analysis, revealing industry changes over time

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Case Studies

Check out the savvy foodservice brands and restaurant tech pros who have used our market intelligence platform to help grow their business.