
Delivering Higher Value with Market Research in the Foodservice Industry

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Market Research Of Restaurant

The world of foodservice has become increasingly complex in the last few years, as market demand shifts, customer tastes become more varied and technology plays a larger role in nearly every sector. As suppliers of products, services and technologies, the foodservice market has become increasingly competitive, requiring thorough and accurate market research in order to stay ahead. In order to ensure success, data providers must invest in a robust data platform and software that can deliver higher-value insights into the market and bring clarity to their strategies and decisions.

Brizo is one of the top platforms for such analysis and provides a comprehensive suite of data for performing deep foodservice market research and analysis. Our platform is enriched with menu data, restaurant technology insights and comprehensive sales prospecting tools, enabling firms to take their research and prospecting to the next level.

Market research is a critical piece of the puzzle when it comes to understanding the current and future trends in the restaurant industry. By leveraging our platform, firms can acquire an in-depth understanding of the market in order to make informed decisions that lead to better positioning in the marketplace. With our platform, firms can tap into an extensive set of data points and metrics that can be compared across different levels, segments and regions, allowing for insights to be distilled down to highly targeted customer profiles and market analysis.

Data-driven insights can not only provide firms with an upper hand in the foodservice market, they can also be used to make strategic decisions when expanding operations. By acquiring higher-value noes about potential kitchens, firms can make more informed decisions and streamline production innovation. Additionally, kitchen data can also be used to inform pricing decisions, which can be beneficial when dealing with multiple restaurants and large orders.

Data enrichment is a critical step when performing market research and leveraging our platform to acquire quickly actionable insights enables firms to make decisions with confidence. In addition, tools such as heat maps and geo-location mapping are also powerful tools that can provide visualizations of the foodservice market such as customer concentrations in certain locations and restaurant hot zones.

By utilizing our platform, restaurant technology providers can make more informed, data-driven decisions about the foodservice market. From sales intelligence to competitive research and market testing, market intelligence platforms can be a powerful tool to drive a firm’s success. By providing detailed analyses in an easy-to-understand fashion and Enriched database, Brizo is the platform of choice for firms looking to leverage data in order to gain an edge in the highly competitive foodservice market.