
Brizo FoodMetrics: Finding your ideal prospects with granular data

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Let us show you the power of fresh market intelligence

Sir Francis Bacon once wrote “knowledge itself is power”. This becomes more true each year; especially with the rise of the digital age. Now, you can get any type of information at a click – or, at least, that’s how it feels.

The truth of the matter is that some data has still been very elusive to certain industries, particularly the foodservice market. This is where Brizo FoodMetrics is changing the game for foodservice suppliers, vendors, distributors, and manufacturers.

Think about it: how many hundreds of hours a year do you and your team waste on low-quality, non-converting leads, based on vague market targeting? If you reach out to 10 new leads a week, at 10 minutes a piece (through email or phone), that’s 1 hour and 40 minutes a week. That’s almost 87 hours a year, and let’s be fair, 10 leads a week isn’t much.

If you’re approaching hundreds of leads a week, because none of them are qualified, you could be skimming over the ones that really matter. According to Forbes, only 27% of leads ever get spoken to. This speaks heavily to a culture of trying blindly to sift through countless low-quality leads, praying for strong-handed sales tactics or discount pricing to land sales.

What if you could drastically improve the quality and conversion ratios of your incoming leads? Brizo can help using our unparalleled levels of granular foodservice data and market segmentation.

Who’s your perfect customer?

Depending on what part of the foodservice industry you’re serving, the type of leads that are the highest quality for you could look a lot different.

A farmer that’s growing farm-to-table vegetables will be looking at very different restaurants from a distributor that’s dealing in flash-frozen or imported produce. The same way that someone selling industrial in-door kitchen equipment may not want to approach the same kinds of leads as one selling outdoor patio furniture and accessories.

Even finding reliable ways to contact leads can be a challenge without the right tools. Bbot, one of Brizo’s clients, was having that exact issue. They do much of their marketing through email campaigns, but they were having difficulty keeping up-to-date lists.

Not to mention, a portion of their incoming leads weren’t even specific to foodservice, or able to easily support Bbot’s CRM. This led to wasted time and resources, with their email campaigns consistently underperforming.

Using Brizo’s in-depth market intelligence, as well as our ability to quickly and easily segment data based on relevant filters, Bbot has dramatically improved the impact and results they achieve from their ongoing email and phone campaigns.

The benefits of Brizo’s vast market intelligence

Are you curious yet? You should be. It’s actually quite easy to narrow the range of your lead sourcing through Brizo’s incredibly diverse filters.

This gives you the freedom to declutter your entire lead generation process, by removing potential leads that you know may not fit your target demographics.

Demographic segmentation allows you to more easily target specific niche markets that fit cleanly into your ideal customer profile.

The further you narrow your focus, the closer you can get to that target market. The better you know your consumer profiles, the closer you can pinpoint your lead targeting.

There might be over 2.5 BILLION (with a big B) menu items worth of data on Brizo, but at the end of the day, there’s a lot more than just menu data that you can access.

It’s not all about food in foodservice

One of the most popular features that Brizo offers is being able to target foodservice establishments in specific regions. This makes it much easier for suppliers to reach leads that are within the reach of their delivery methods.

But it’s about a lot more than regional divisions as well (although they are extremely useful). We’re talking about pinpointing specific restaurant elements that you can’t find through a simple Google search.

Only looking to approach restaurants with patios? Brizo’s got a filter for that. Just want to approach restaurants with less than 5 locations? There’s a filter for that too. Places that serve late? Breakfast or brunch restaurants? Specific dishes, meats, spices, or even average plate prices?

Brizo offers a wealth of features and more. While there’s a lot to explore in our ocean of segmented data and numerous filters, we’re here to make it easy for you. Discovering your best options is a breeze with our user-friendly platform. Let’s navigate the possibilities together!

✨A practical example of how Brizo can help

Hopefully, now you’re starting to understand some of the ways Brizo can segment the data you need to improve your prospecting.

With that in mind, let’s discuss a couple of real-world examples of how you can take thousands of different foodservice establishments and cut them down to much more manageable (and higher quality) amounts.

For our example, let’s imagine you’re a manufacturer and distributor of biodegradable plates and cutlery. Your mission is to provide high-quality, green, disposable products to restaurants that really care about the environment.

So, since you’re based in California, we’ll start by narrowing it down to California, and the Los Angeles, Long Beach, Anaheim areas. We’ll also start by narrowing our search down to independent operators (businesses with less than 5 locations), and we’ll stick to vegan, vegetarian, and health food menus.

This still leaves us with 15,231 establishments, so let’s dig a little deeper.

Did you know that Brizo has a filter for ‘Eco-friendly tableware’? Yep. So, let’s definitely add that to our data segmentation. This cuts our list of potential leads down to 4,872 options, which is fantastic, but still quite a bit to sort through.

There’s a good chance that because you’re dealing with ultra high-quality materials for them to be biodegradable, which means you probably need to charge a little more than other competitors with lower-quality, not environmentally-friendly products.

Bearing that in mind, we can narrow down our search to restaurants in the more expensive ($$$-$$$$) range. These businesses are more likely to be willing to pay for your high quality products, because they’re charging customers a premium for their food, and likely, understand the true value of quality over cost in foodservice.

This leaves us with a much more manageable 258 very high-quality leads that you can approach in that area. Prospects that could very tightly fit into your ideal customer profile.

Filters Used: Metropolitan Area, Independent Establishments, Dietary Styles, Amenities, Price Range

Best of all, if you want to keep all the filters, but change the region. You can easily remove those filters and add new locational choices, without having to start all over again. That’s the magic of Brizo FoodMetrics unmatched levels of market intelligence.

Your perfect prospects are waiting for you at Brizo FoodMetrics

We want to help you eat your competitions’ lunch

The best part about Brizo is that it’s so much more than just a collection of market data. It’s an extremely powerful tool that you can add to your business’ toolbox.

Proven to reduce your prospecting time by more than 75%, as well as boost your sales and marketing teams’ productivity, Brizo FoodMetrics was built to maximize your revenue.

If you’re ready to stop digging through piles of low-quality leads to find a needle in a haystack, Brizo FoodMetrics is the magnet you need to pull perfect prospects from the pile. Unlock new market opportunities and insights today.