
Frequently Asked Questions Around Food Flavor Trends 2023

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Food Flavor Trends 2023

As restaurants, food manufacturers, and other foodservice industry operators continue to innovate and experiment with food flavors in this ever-changing landscape, emerging flavor trends often come into focus as demand shifts for new and unique offerings. Flavor trends are consistently on the rise in the United States and around the world, with modern diners often preferring bold or adventurous flavors that reflect the broader cultural and culinary landscape. In light of this ongoing interest in flavor expression among food service professionals and consumers alike, it’s essential to identify and understand the trends that may be influencing popular dishes in the coming years.

Due to the complexity of the food industry, challenges such as staying up to date on the latest flavor trends or navigating regional variations in tastes and preferences, can be difficult to overcome. To provide a helpful resources for industry professionals, we answer some important questions that may help shed light on the current and future state of the foodservice market.

What emerging food flavors should operators expect to become popular in 2023?

As the dining and food manufacturing landscapes continue to focus on wellness and sustainability, popular flavors are beginning to reflect those shifts. Plant-based proteins and vegetables in a variety of flavors are becoming increasingly popular in the United States. Consumers are also exploring flavors like smoked, spicy, and tangy, while adopting flavors like plant-based vegan, Asian-inspired, and Mexican-inspired dishes. Freshness is also becoming a growing focus, as diners continue to look for more natural items. Other emerging flavors include unique regional favorites, from tandoori to Caribbean-inspired cuisine.

How can operators use data insights to inform their flavor selection?

Data can be essential in informing operators on the foods and flavors that are growing in popularity. For example, access to restaurant menu data can provide insights into which cuisines and dishes are most in demand. This type of data can help operators plan their menus accordingly, while identifying areas of opportunity within the market. Determining which flavors limits are resonating with customers can also help in strategy planning, with reliable data from sales and customer surveys essential in understanding customer preferences.

Which technology tools are available to help foodservice professionals stay up to date on food trends?

Now more than ever, technology is playing a critical role in driving data-backed decision making in the foodservice industry. Technology tools such as Brizo provide a board and diverse set of data for deeper market understanding and analysis. Our compiled data allows for highly targeted research and prospecting of the foodservice market with unique data fields specific to the foodservice industry. Insights include in-depth menu data, restaurant tech coverage, and sales and marketing prospecting, while our data enrichment feature helps enhance systems with more comprehensive market insights, making decision making easier. All of these features enhance the user experience and empower businesses to remain competitive in the ever-evolving foodservice landscape.