
Evaluating the Pros and Cons of 2023 Food Trends

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2023 Food Trends

In a world of ever-changing food trends, predicting what will become popular is always a challenge. But if you’re in the foodservice industry or a manufacturer who produces products specifically for the food industry, understanding the 2023 food trends is essential to your success. Knowing what’s in and what’s out and preparing your manufacturing and marketing strategies accordingly will give you the competitive edge you need.

But what trends should you be paying special attention to? To help guide you, Brizo provides a suite of products and tools that offer a deeper level of understanding and analysis into the foodservice market. Our data includes in-depth menu data and restaurant tech coverage, and it enables sales teams to target specific areas of the market with greater accuracy. It also allows marketing teams to attract, convert, and close more leads with data-led insights.

In this article, we’re going to take a look at some of the most-watched 2023 food trends and examine their pros and cons. We’ll also explore how to use restaurant intelligence to take advantage of these trends. By the end of this article, you’ll have a better idea of what strategies you can put in place to stay ahead of the competition.


Flexitarianism is a shift away from meat-heavy diets to ones with reduced meat consumption and an increased focus on plant-based proteins. This trend is part of a larger movement towards healthier eating habits, as consumers become more conscious of the food they’re eating and the health benefits that can be derived from a more plant-based diet. This includes veganism and vegetarianism, but with flexitarianism, it’s not an all-or-nothing approach. Instead, consumers may reduce meat consumption and substitute plant-based proteins for some meals but still eat meat for other meals.

The pros of this trend are clear: consuming more plant-based proteins is better for your health and for the planet’s health. This trend can also benefit restaurant businesses, as many are already offering vegan and vegetarian options, so making the switch shouldn’t be too difficult. The cons of flexitarianism are that it may require more complex menu offerings, which can be expensive and time-consuming to put together.

Locavore Movement

The locavore movement is all about buying and consuming locally-sourced food and is growing in popularity as people become more aware of their food’s origin. This trend has obvious environmental benefits, as locally-sourced food means less transportation and a smaller carbon footprint. Fewer miles traveled also mean foods are fresher, as they haven’t been frozen or processed like other foods. The cons of this trend is that it may require more effort and research on the part of restaurants, as they have to track down local farmers and suppliers and ensure they are meeting food-safety standards.

Healthy Fast Food

The trend of healthy fast food (or “fast-casual”) has been steadily rising in recent years and is only getting more popular. Healthy fast food is all about providing tasty and nutritious meals in a convenient setting. This includes items such as salads, bowl, and wraps with a focus on natural ingredients and locally-sourced produce. The benefits of this trend are that it gives diners more options to choose from and gives restaurants a chance to boost sales. The cons of this trend is that it can be expensive and challenging for restaurants to source the necessary ingredients and may require more complex menu offerings.

Asian Cuisine

Asian cuisine is also gaining popularity, as diners are becoming more adventurous and wanting to explore different flavors. This trend goes beyond the usual Chinese takeout and includes an array of dishes from cuisines across Asia, such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, and more. The pros of this trend include giving diners more options and giving restaurants a chance to capitalize on the food diversity. The cons are that it may require more ingredient sourcing and complexity in menu offerings, as well as increased staff training in order to prepare and serve food properly.

Technology-driven dining

The food industry is increasingly adopting technology to improve and streamline operations, as well as enhance customer experiences. This includes everything from automated ordering systems to kitchen automation and delivery services. The pros of this trend are numerous, as it can lead to better customer service, faster food preparation, increased efficiency, and improved safety. The cons are that technology implementations may require upfront investments, and there is always the risk that something may go wrong or the software may not be user-friendly.

How to use Restaurant Intelligence to stay ahead of trends

As we’ve seen, there are many 2023 food trends to keep an eye on and make sure you are prepared for. But with so much data out there, where do you start?

Brizo’s products and tools can help you make sense of this vast amount of restaurant intelligence data. Our data-driven insights and analytics will give you the competitive edge you need to stay ahead of the game. With in-depth menu data and restaurant technology coverage, you can streamline production innovation, expand operations strategically, and gain a better understanding of the foodservice market. Also, you can add data enrichment to your systems to make decisions with greater confidence.