
Top 10 Things to Consider Regarding Coffee Trends

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Coffee Trends

As the specialty coffee scene continues to grow and evolve, it is important to understand not only the foundational aspects of the sector but also to recognize the ever-changing consumer preferences and innovations that are driving the coffee market. From the technological advances to advancements in sustainability and eco-friendly practices, there are numerous factors that food service and coffee distributors need to keep in mind in order to stay ahead of the game. Below, we outline the top 10 things to consider when it comes to coffee trends and learning what the help beverage industry can look for in order to succeed in the present and the future.

1. Sustainable Sourcing and Conscientious Consumption

Sustainability is the future, and this is especially true when it comes to the coffee industry. As consumers become increasingly more aware of the power of their purchases, many are looking for companies that are investing in sustainable practices and equitable sourcing all the way down the supply chain. Some of the questions to ask during sourcing and procurement should include where the beans are coming from, what sort of certifications does the company have, and how is the company ensuring that their purchasing model is both ethical and sustainable. Understanding the complexities of coffee sourcing can help distributors to identify the best vendors and successfully bring fair-trade, sustainable coffee to their customers.

2. Establishing Unique Niches

In a global market where coffee is produced and enjoyed in a variety of ways, it is essential to have a coffee brand that stands out. Establishing a niche flavor profile or unique process for coffee preparation can be the key to success for coffee distributors. Additionally, strategic partnerships with local businesses, specialty eateries, or even bakeries can create diversified opportunities for success in the foodservice market.

3. Utilizing Technology

Adopting new technologies can allow coffee suppliers to track their operations more efficiently and with greater accuracy. Automation of previously manual processes, from grind time control with robotic grinding to mobile ordering applications, can help to streamline the entire operation, reduce costly errors, and provide customers with a more informed, customized experience.

4. Cold Brews

One increasingly popular trend in specialty coffee is cold brews. Cold brews are a great way to expand a coffee distributor’s offerings and can be used as an add-on for corporate orders, specialty drinks for cafes, or to simply take a traditional flavor profile of the coffee and experiment with different temperatures or growlers.

5. Flavor & Sweetener Options

Adding on flavor and sweetener options can appeal to consumers looking for a unique or varied experience. Cinnamon, cardamom, and coconut can be unique and flavorful additions to a menu. Additionally, offering sustainably produced sweeteners, like agave nectar, can be a great way to allow individual consumers to customize their coffee experience.

6. Eco-Friendly Packaging

The use of eco-friendly packaging is gaining momentum as more sustainable, green options become available to suppliers. For example, biodegradable packaging, like compostable paper bags or compostable plastic bags, can be a great option for retail and wholesale selling. Additionally, finding ways to reduce and eventually eliminate the need for single-use, disposable cups can help to promote a more sustainable lifestyle at caffeinated establishments.

7. Variety of Roasts

Having a variety of roast levels in a menu is essential for a coffee distributor. Coffee drinkers enjoy the range from a light roast to a dark roast, and being able to offer something for everyone can help to bring in new customers and keep current ones coming back for more.

8. On Demand Coffee

With the emergence of technologies like mobile ordering, there is increased opportunity for coffee distributors to offer on demand services. This on demand service could include a service like mobile ordering for convenience or a more personalized experience, like text ordering, to make it easier to meet the needs of their customers.

9. Coffee Education

Educating consumers and staff about the importance of coffee has numerous benefits. For instance, educating consumers about brewing techniques, flavor profiles, and the labor behind coffee production can help to build trust and loyalty when it comes to coffee products. Similarly, providing training opportunities for staff can help coffee distributors create more efficient and knowledgeable teams, allowing them to deliver the best service possible to their customers.

10. Greater Engagement

In an ever-increasingly connected world, it is essential to foster connections with customers and create interactive experiences that will increase engagement with the product. Connecting with customers via email and social media can be a great place to start. Additionally, offering unique events or showcasing artisan coffee producers can be a great way to heighten the coffee-drinking experience and make the products more accessible and appreciated by more customers.

By taking into account these top 10 considerations, foodservice companies and coffee distributors can stay ahead of the curve and create their own unique, successful coffee brands. By taking into account the trends, technology, and sustainability aspects of the industry, any company can create and maintain a successful, sustainable coffee business.