
The Pizza Industry: Trends, Challenges, & Opportunities in 2019

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Trends In Pizza Industry

The pizza industry is a massive segment of the food service industry worldwide, and it has been going through a number of major changes in recent years. The demand for more convenient delivery options, the rise of delivery-specific technologies, and increased competition from local and international players have all been drastically reshaping the pizza industry. Additionally, the industry is also experiencing a shift in customer preferences from traditional pies to premium flavors, healthy, and gourmet options. This shift has prompted existing pizza restaurants to expand their offerings to attract more customers, while new establishments have had to be creative with their product offerings to remain competitive.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the key trends in the pizza industry in 2019 and the implications they have for foodservice providers. We’ll also look at some of the challenges and opportunities arising from the trends as well as how technology, data, and industry insights can help pizza providers remain competitive and successful.

Key Trends in the Pizza Industry in 2019

The pizza industry has seen a number of significant trends over the last few years, many of which were driven by changes in customer habits and preferences. Here are some of the key trends that have had a major impact on the pizza industry in 2019:

1. The Rise of Delivery Services

The rise of delivery services such as Uber Eats, Grubhub, and Deliveroo has had a massive impact on the pizza industry. Not only do these services provide a much more convenient way for customers to order pizza, but they have also given smaller establishments a chance to compete with the larger chains by giving them access to a wider range of customers. Additionally, these services have helped to reduce the cost of delivery for both customers and restaurants, making it more affordable for customers to order pizza from long distances.

2. Expansion of Online Orders

Along with the rise of delivery services, the expansion of online ordering options has also been influencing the pizza industry. More pizza restaurants are now providing customers the option to order online, allowing customers to customize their orders and receive their pizza quickly and conveniently. This has also enabled restaurants to process more orders in a shorter time span, allowing them to manage their supply and demand efficiently.

3. Popularization of Non-Traditional Pizza Toppings

Traditional pizza toppings, such as pepperoni, cheese, and sausage, are no longer the only options available to pizza consumers. The pizza industry is now seeing an emergence of non-traditional pizza toppings, such as vegan options, exotic vegetables, and healthier proteins, as customers demand more flavor. Many pizza restaurants are responding to this trend by creating new menu items and expanding their offerings to include these new ingredients.

4. Utilization of Technology and Data

Technology and data have become essential tools for pizza providers looking to remain competitive in the industry. Restaurants are relying on data and analytics to understand customer preferences and to develop new and innovative menu items. Additionally, technologies such as automated ordering systems, online payment options, and delivery tracking systems, are being used to streamline pizza delivery and improve customer experience.

Implications of the Trends on the Industry

The trends outlined above have implications on the entire food service industry. As pizza restaurants respond to customer demand and preferences, the food service industry as a whole must adapt and stay ahead of the trends to remain competitive. Changing consumer preferences, new technologies, and the expansion of delivery services all require food service providers to continually update their operations and product offerings to remain successful.

Challenges and Opportunities

The trends outlined above present both challenges and opportunities for pizza providers. On the one hand, they present an opportunity to stay ahead of the competition and offer customers an improved service through technological advancements and different product offerings. On the other hand, adapting to changing customer preferences and utilizing data and technology for insight into operations and product offerings can create difficulties and additional costs for businesses.

Data-Led Insights for Pizza Providers

To remain competitive in the pizza industry, pizza providers are in need of more than just customer feedback and anecdotal insights. They need comprehensive, accurate data and analytics that can be used to gain real insights into the market and inform business decisions. Data-led industry insights can provide restaurants with the intelligence they need to make informed decisions about what menu items to offer, how to manage production and pricing, and which geographical areas to target.

Final notions

The pizza industry is seeing significant changes in 2019. The rise of delivery services, the increasing popularity of online orders, and the emergence of non-traditional pizza toppings are all drastically reshaping the industry and creating new challenges and opportunities for pizza restaurants.Food providers must remain agile and informed to capitalize on these trends and stay competitive in the market. Data-led industry insights can provide the intelligence needed to understand the market and make informed decisions about operations and product offerings.